Monday 28 June 2010

28 June 2010-Boxes

"Everyone, it seemed to him, lived their lives out of little boxes, opening different ones for different occasions. Nobody ever gave their whole self away......Most people you met in the course of your life, you never even learned their names . Everybody was boxed off from everybody else.It was called society."
D.I. John Rebus in "The Hanging Garden" by Ian Rankin
London underground, labyrinthine tunnels under a city that doesn't stop, always on the move, no hesitation, destination to reach, somewhere to be. We move between commuters on their way home from offices, on the way to the pub for the one before home. People bang against our shoulder going on the opposite direction, we move out of the way of other people, they move out of our way with furtive looks, no smiles, no communication, muted "thanks" and "sorry" thrown just behind them as they pass. The noise is all around us, fragments of conversations between friends.
We stop and cautiously stand just by the yellow line on the platform, reminding ourselves to MIND the GAP, is it the gap in the platform or are they advising us to maintain the gap between ourselves and the rest of the people around us?.
We feel the air pressure changing around us before we can hear or see the train approaching trough the dark tunnel, people move forward, closer now, not wanting to miss the tube, adamant to get in the train; the doors open and we stand on the side to let people leave the platform, and then we are carried inside the carriage, all seats taken, people pushing the others in front to be able to get in, we grab the first pole and stand.
The carriage is full, those standing are so close to each other that they can hear each others breathing, but we notice there isn't any eye contact, everyone is looking the other way, at their shoes, there is a young guy next to us with his earphones glued to his ears, we can hear the beat of the music he is listening to, behind us is a woman, we can feel her handbag poking in our back. Some tourist are in front of us trying to look at a map of the tube while holding the bar overhead.
The train is noisy, the movement wild, we are all sharing an enclose space, surrounded by people and all alone at the same time, everyone in his or hers little world, everyone in a box.
The girl is sitting a few meters from us, she is reading a book and trying to balance her large hand bag in her lap so she doesn't disturbed the old man siting next to her. Legs together, elbows close to her body, trying to fit in the small space allowed to her in her sit, avoiding physical contact. She seems to notice our scrutiny and lift her eyes of the book, for a second our eyes meet, I try to smile but she has move his look back to the book so quickly that we wonder if we imagine her looking up.
The intercom announces the next stop, people start moving, folding newspapers, putting books in the handbags and work cases. People stand and start making their way to the doors with an "excuse me" in front of them. No smiles. Politeness without feeling, like a pretty lamp without a bulb, same
on or off, no change, no light, but pretty though.
The girl gets up and move towards the door just when the train is stopping, the brake sends her tumbling backwards and she steps on the old man's foot. She mumbles a "sorry" and we can she how she goes red, embarrassed. She leaves the train, pushed from behind by the people wanting out of the sardines tin,she stumbles on the platform and with a quick look up she start walking along the platform towards the exit. We follow her trough the different tunnels, escalators and long corridors towards the exit . People is rushing all around us, like Alice's white rabbit, late home, late to catch the next train or just simply rushing to leave behind everything else, to get to our box and close the lid, to get to our own little world, where the windows are covered by books, or earphones, magazine, our shoes.
The girl leaves the underground and we come out with her into a typical October evening in London, cold and wet. The roads are shinning like broken glass, wet and slick with rain recently fallen. We feel the cold wind biting our faces and we can feel our skin going a bit numb, the girl must feel the same as we do; She gathers her coat closer to her body, and tightens the scarf around her neck, and adjusting her bag in her shoulder she start walking purposely to her left. We still follow. The streets are busy with cars, people, tourists lost and looking for Oxford Street perhaps, people standing outside pubs having a cigarette, while holding a pint of beer in a plastic glass in one hand, while trying to keep warm by moving the weight of their body from one foot to another.
The girl seems not to notice them, the cars, or even the slight rain that have started to fall, she walks with her arms crossed over her wist to keep the coat as close as possible to her body, and keep the warm inside. She looks at the floor just seeing her shoes going one in front of the other, looking up for just an instant to make sure that no one is walking into her space. Her few strands of hair loose from her hat captivity are giving form to the light, cold wind, that we can feel but we can't see.
All of the sudden she stops in front of a restaurant window, the light coming from inside illuminates her face and we can see her eyes becoming a bit wider and her mouth forms a tiny "o" with full and cold white lips. We look at what she is looking, we see what she sees; The restaurant is not very busy, a few couples, some people sitting at the bar, perhaps waiting for someone to meet them or too embarrassed to sit by themselves in a table. Once again we notice there is conversation on the tables, but looks, smiles, words, don't go further than the table where they are shared, boxes within box. Our girl is looking to a table close to the restaurants window, we can see the waiter approaching the table, and all occupants turn to look at him with menus in hand, the three girls and the young man are smiling and chatting to each other, while pointing at things in the menu. The young man says something and all of them laugh, even the waiter smiles, while looking at the window which we are using to look into the big box full of smaller boxes. Our girl turns abruptly and start walking faster than before, not noticing the looks of passerby as she collides with them without stopping once to say the expected apology. We follow her trough roads, crossing at traffic lights, turning left and right, up busy roads, down smaller quieter roads while the night takes a tighter hold and evening becomes strangle.
The girl stooped in front of a block of flats in a semi dark road, and search in her bag for her keys, we go with her up a flight of stairs and watch while she unlocks the to locks of the door marked with an A, the door is pale brown, like cardboard. She goes in and we found ourselves on her living room, the only light a lamp in a corner over an small table, in the semi dark we can see the silhouette of a sofa and an armchair, the curtains are open and the faint light of the street lamp peeps in. Her cat jumps from the window sill and approach hers, she lets her bag fall to the floor and gathers the cat to her chest, she kisses its head and slowly walks to the window, she stands there and looks out. A silent, lonely tears falls from her eye and slowly slides down her cheek, the cat playfully paws at it, it almost looks like he is caressing her, she looks at the cat and smiles.
"Maybe tomorrow, eh Paws?"- she murmurs while putting the cat on the floor. Straightening up, she hugs herself -"Maybe tomorrow Marcia will invite me out with the rest of the girls, and maybe tomorrow Paul will look at me and smile".
She slowly closes the curtain, leaving the world out, closing the lid, her own little box.
We leave, we walk back, we are back in front of the restaurant, back in the tube, the girl look up from her book and we smile at her, she smile at us, while the train run its mad race trough the tunnel.
Perhaps tomorrow we can open our box, we can open our world and let the light come in, let other people come into our box, a smile, a look, a word.........

Friday 18 June 2010

18 June 10-World Cup

I have never been a fan of football, never understood the beautiful game and didn't hesitate to change the channel every time I saw a football pitch in the TV screen. I can't understand what's the big deal with watching a bunch of guys chasing a ball and trying to get it in the net, unless it was to do with the footballers legs!!!; but something happened to me last Wednesday when Spain was playing their first match in the world cup. There I was sitting at my desk in my office surrounded by all my English work colleagues and most of them were making comments about the match and how Spain was one down. All of the sudden I found myself wanting, willing Spain to win the match, to score, to show those Swiss what a good Spanish "matador" can do!! wasn't to be, Spain lost and i got a few jokes from my colleagues.
This make me think about what I was feeling and ask myself a question: Why was it so important for Spain to win?
I know it wasn't about the football but more to do with been Spanish in a foreign country. I got a few friends spread around the globe and I was reading their comments on the match on facebook. All around the world there were people rooting for Spain to win. Isn't that amazing??, a football match uniting all Spanish people around the world, leaving behind distance, and all glued to the TV, radio or computer.
I think, at least it is for me, we are looking for identity. I have been in the UK now for over 13 years and even that I have adapted to their culture and "way" of doing things, I still feel my chest expand when i say "I'm Spanish".
I still don't understand football and still don't see what is all about, but in a world cup we are there, our country is there, Spain identity is in those players chasing that ball, our culture is in every goal, our pride in every try, in every occasion that the ball hit the post.
Doesn't matter where life take us, how many frontiers we cross, how many languages we learn, we are Spanish, we are a bit of siesta and a bit of Spanish omelets!!
We are our grandfathers and their insistence that life was better when Franco was "caudillo" of Spain, we are our parents when they told us off for been a bit naughty, or those fights we had with them when we were young and we knew better than anyone, we are those "verbenas" in the park on our neighbourhood "fiesta", we are our brothers and sisters and the laugh, and the fights, Christmas at home and the New Years eve when we got dress with that outfit we bought months before, and went to those parties that always started after having the grapes at our parents house. We are sun and "corrida de Toros", we are "los encierros de Pamplona", we are red and yellow, Cervantes y Don Quijote, Perez Galdos y Trafalgar, Sangria and good gazpacho.
I don't know about football, or the world cup, but this year I will be cheering every time Spain scores and for a bit just feel proud to be Spanish.

Sunday 6 June 2010

6th June 2010-Música

"Pega el Calor
Y la música más me consume
El DJ Me envuelve
en su ritmo que me
hace volar
Cuerpo y pecado el placer
me ha llevado a las nubes..."
(Monica Naranjo-Hot Line)
Esta mañana me he levantado con música dando brincos en mi cabeza. Es día de limpieza asi que puse mi CD favorito en el estereo, me hice con un trapo y productos de limpieza y con ritmo y sabrosura me puse a limpiar el baño, a limpiar el espejo, restregar los azulejos y todo con un ritmo de caderas que dejaría a Shakira boquiabierta!...
Asi que imagíname con un trapo en las manos, bailando y cantando al ritmo de MECANO y su "hoy no me puedo levantar", cuando las primeras notas de "E-un-genio Salvador Dali" invadieron el baño y de repente ya no estaba rodeado de azulejos sino en mi habitación en Lanzarote con mis amigos del instituto, unos sentados en la cama, otros en el suelo, con cocacola y papas fritas y de banda sonora a la escena "descanso dominical". La puerta cerrada la musica a todo tope y todos cantando o siguiendo el ritmo con el pie, entre risas y pipas , y la musica, ¡oh! la música...
Esta experiencia me dió que pensar y aquí estoy escribiendo sobre algo que esta siempre en nuestras vidas, que forma parte de nuestra cultura, LA MUSICA.
Muchas veces he pensado que güay sería poder tener una máquina del tiempo y poder viajar, simplemente apretando un par de botones, al pasado y revivir esas experiencias, reencontrar los tiempos perdidos, el primer beso, la primera lagrima, el primer corazón roto, la risa sin control con tus amigos, ¿soy yo o realmente nos reiamos por todo?, con esa risa contagiosa que no puedes parar, y que cuando crees que ya se esta acabando, cuando estas recuperando el aliento, tus ojos se encuentran con los de tu amigo y la risa vuelve a empezar hasta que hay lagrimas en tus ojos y ¡la barriga te duele!; hace mucho tiempo que no rio asi, ¿por qué sera?.
Hoy he encontrado esa maquina del tiempo amigos, solo necesitas apretar un botón, y de repente estas volando en el tiempo, los años van dando marcha atras, y te encuentras en un sitio totalmente diferente pero a la vez familiar, acogedor, hogareño.
Recuerdo por ejemplo la cancion de Enrique y Ana, (¿Te acuerdas de ellos?), "abuelito dime tu" y de repente estoy en una de las aulas del colegio donde mi padre era portero, y todos los fines de semana mi hermano y yo le ayudabamos a limpiar las aulas, ese día en una de las aulas encontre una cassette y un estereo. Siempre he adorado la música, asi que cogi la cassette la introduje en el estereo y Enrique y Ana desde ese dia son sinónimos del olor a tiza, a libros y cuadernos, a cepillo y pala, a producto de limpieza con olor a limón, a niñez e inocencia.
Cuando escucho un tango, ¡Zasss! Desiree aparece en mi mente con un moño en el pelo y ¡una cara de enfado que no veas!. Y alli estoy yo y ella bailando en una noche de talentos en la capilla en Arrecife. O cuando oigo la cancion de Dirty Dancing, "I had the time of my life", estoy de nuevo con mi amiga Dácil ensayando y preparando, riendo cuando nos "troquiamos", o cuando uno va para la izquierda y el otro para la derecha.
Siempre cuando escucho salsa es Maite quien esta a mi lado en la discoteca "Tiffanys" en Puerto del Carmen bailando al son de Gloria Estefan y "mi tierra", rodeado de gente bailando, luces, color, belleza del cuerpo humano en movimiento.
Un himno me lleva a los Domingos, en ese tiempo mormonero, en el que siempre los sentimientos estban a flor de piel, el corazón lleno de canciones, amor y alegria, ¡Oh! como recuerdo "Haz tu lo justo".
Gloria Gaynor con su "I will survive" me lleva a un tiempo en el que todas mis dudas, todos mis miedos se desvanecen y por fin el yo real, el yo que se escondia por miedo al rechazo y la incomprensión, sale a la luz y el peso en mis hombros se disipa y parece que por fin puedo respirar a pulmon lleno.
Sonrio cuando oigo a Pimpinela, de repente estoy en una guagua rumbo a playa chica en Puerto del Carmen con mis amigos Juan, Minerva, Carmen, Ana, Angela, Sergio, ¡tantos nombres que recordar!, todos sentados al fondo de la guagua, con la cassette a todo tope y cantando "Hace dos años y un día que vivo sin él, Hace dos años y un día que no le he vuelto a ver......"¡QUE TIEMPOS!
Monica Naranjo, Ana Gabriel, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Pimpinela, Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti, Himnos, canciones populares o burlesas, ¿quién no se acuerda de "Una Sardina, dos sardinas!" o "Vamos a contar mentiras tralalá"?, música, música, música.... estamos rodeados de música, nuestra banda sonora personal para nuestars vidas sin igual.
Asi que quiero dar gracias a Dios y a todos los músicos por su regalo, por hacer que recuerdos y sentimientos siempre esten grabados en mi mente, y que solo tenga que apretar "play" para viajar al pasado y recordar los buenos y los malos momentos.
Asi que amigo no esperes más, pon ese CD en el estereo y ve en un viaje a tu pasado, a tus recuerdos, salta con los dos pies en el mar de tu memoria y baila ese tango otra vez o esa salsa cachonda.

Saturday 5 June 2010

5th June 2010

Hello, this is my first entry on my Blog. Even that I don't consider myself a great writer I have always been attracted to the world of creating with words. I remember when I tried to write my first novel when I was about twelve. I had this GREAT idea about a suspense/horror story where a group of kids will solve a mystery involving ghosts, a curse and the most, ugly, dark and mysterious haunted house you have ever come across!!...

So I got a new notebook a sharped pencil and started writing this story, soon I realised how difficult is to create a world, people, streets, names and don't let me get started with dialogues!!!!...aggghhhh!...soon I had this 30 pages written with lots of love and lots of rubber erasing and (it pains me to say!) was absolutely, totally crap. Frustrated I left it in a drawer in my room and forgot all about it until a few years later when i found it while clearing up a few things when I decided to move to England.

I sit on my bed and started reading. I smiled all the way trough, not because of the humour but because I was remembering how It felt while I was writing it, how hard I try to put those pictures in my head in words, perfect worlds, people, dialogues that never sound the same when you put them down in words.

Now I'm 38 years old, oh!, so close to the dreaded BIG, BAD, NO POINT OF RETURN 40!!!, and that 12 years old little (yeah I'm a short guy!!) boy is no more, his dreams of been a great writer have been transformed into an accountancy job, words replaced by numbers, dreams replace by bills.

But deep inside he still dreams, still wants and demands to have a go, to try once I started this blog, to let 12 years old Angel tell about his experiences, his life, entertain us with all those dreams left in that drawer. Maybe his life is not interesting or even worth reading about but is a life!, one that hopefully will mean something to someone, a life that will leave a memory in someones life. He doesn't want to change the world, he doesn't want to be famous, he just wants to be heard. So keep reading and little by little you will get to know him, this boy, now a man, just a life!!!.

Also for all you Spanish friends I will write sometimes in my mother language so I don't forget where I really come from.